Tuesday 26 June 2012

  Doug and Sarah: Fun to know


 It was one of those "it's a small world" moments. Ulrike had arranged for Doug and Sarah to join us in a wedding shoot at Burlington's Royal Botanical Gardens and not only did I recognize Sarah -- we'd met a few years back -- but it turned out that Doug had worked with my son
Gareth, a lighting designer.
The shoot was great. Sarah has a keen sense of fun --we even had to persuade her not to climb a tree in her wedding dress.
Doug, dapper in his tails, was quiet at first but it wasn't long before he revealed a rich, extremely well-developed sense of humour.  He turned the tables on us by shooting pictures of us in action (see my profile picture!) Another of his talents: he's a juggler.
They were fabulous. It was great to see Sarah again and to meet Doug. We thank them for their kindness and wish them a long, happy and laughter-filled life together.

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